Απ: Carthamus tinctorius extract-Τοπικο blocker ισαξιο της φινα?
Άκης είπε:
kos1987 thanks για την ενημέρωση.
Βασικά αυτό που είδα λίγο που έψαξα, είναι ότι το έχουν σαν "hair growth" και όχι σαν dht blocker.
Δεν ξέρω αν η έρευνα που αναφέρεσαι το τσεκάρει σαν dht blocker.
Για όσους θέλουν να το ψάξουν, το carthamus tinctorius λέγεται και safflower. Στα ελληνικά κάρδαμο ή κάρθαμο ή κνίκος.
Ένα απόσμασμα που
Το τσεκαρουν για καθαρο αναστολεα 5ar. Τα αποτελεσματα ειναι: 1gr extract ισοδυναμει με 25 mg φινα
Μελετουν και αλλα φυτα που εχουν μικροτερη ισχυ οπως Phyllanthus emblica L. , Cymbopogon citratus .
Τωρα που τη διαβαζω πιο καλα την ερευνα λεει
The most potent 5R inhibitor in this experiment 301 was
Carthamus tinctorius (safflower), which contains safflower 302 yellow
as a major compound in the florets (Duke, 1992; Fan et al., 303 2009).
This suggested that the synergistic interaction of some other 304 phytochemicals
in the ethanolic extract of Carthamus tinctorius, 305 including
flavonoids – for example, carthamin, carthamidin, 306 isocarthamidin,
6-hydroxykaempferol compounds, etc. – may result in the 307 highest
inhibitory activity. The other active plants contained 308 different
classes and amounts of phytochemicals, which may result in 309 the
same inhibitory potency. Besides that, the crude extract of 310 each
plant contains many kinds of phytochemicals, some of which 311 may
be active against the enzyme inhibition, or even promote the 312 activity
of the enzyme. The balance of those two chemicals resulted 313 in
the FEA values seen in this experiment. For confirmation, 314 partial
or full purification of the extract needs to be performed in 315 order
to define which classes of phytochemicals have the great 316 potency.
This may lead to the development of new alternative medicines 317 to
treat androgen-related disorders, especially androgenic 318 alopecia.
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