Αυτο το κομμάτι ειναι ενδιαφέρον 3) I brought up the crowdfunding idea particularly with regards to Follica and he said the amount necessary is quite large. So I insisted on an actual amount and here's what he said: "US $2 million would bring out a product that would be more effective than Minoxidil and Propecia but would not give a bald person a full head of hair. US $20 million will provide the kind of funding necessary to give someone who is already bald a full head of hair but it will take more years to accomplish". Και μάλλον εκεί γινετε το παιχνίδι. Φτηνά και με πολύ κέρδος για τις εταιρείες σιγά μην ασχοληθούν με μόνιμη λυση
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