Equol, 5α-DHT, and 17β-estradiol at 10 nM were studied in human monolayer fibroblasts cultures (hMFC) for ECM protein expression. Human fibroblast three-dimensional organotypic cultures revealed equol's influence (@ 10 nM) on ECM proteins via fluorescent-activated cell sorting (FACS) analysis. In qPCR experiments, equol significantly increased collagen, elastin (ELN), and tissue inhibitor of metalloprotease and decreased metalloproteinases (MMPs) gene expression and caused significant positive changes in skin antioxidant and antiaging genes
Molecular mechanisms of androgenetic alopecia
Perifollicular fibrosis: On the occasion that the
causal agents persist, sustained inflammation is the
result, together with connective tissue remodeling,
where collagenases, such as matrix metalloproteinase
(also transcriptionally driven by pro-inflammatory
cytokines) play an active role (Mahe´ et al., 2000).
Collagenases are suspected to contribute to the tissue
changes in perifollicular fibrosis.