Απ: Παραγγελία Revivogen πως γινετε?
Παιδιά εγώ το παρείγγειλα από το
www.revivogen.com και μου στείλανε εχθές e-mail που λέει:
Dear Customer, Unfortunately we have canceled your order because we did not receive the verification information we had requested from you. If you have any questions or wish to reactivate your order please email
[email protected] or contact us at 888-616-4247. Best Regards,Revivogen Customer Service
Δεν είχα προσέξει στα mail μου πως μου είχανε στείλει λίγες μέρες νωρίτερα το εξής e-mail:
Dear Customer, Thank you for your Revivogen order. With our first time international credit card customers we ask that you please verify the credit card submitted on your order. This verification process is only done for this first order. Our system at present does nothave the capacity to check billing address information overseas. All our first time international customers are subject to this verification process if they have a non domestic (U.S.) Credit Card. This is a precautionary step to insure the safety of our customers' credit information as well as for our own protection. If this is something you can not do then there are two other options listed below for payment through western union. Scroll down for directions. Please follow the instructions below for credit card verification:1. Make a copy of your card both front and back.2. Block out the 8 digits in the center (we already have your credit card information)3. Please write: I authorize Revivogen to charge my card in the amount of $ 119.00 for order number 88951 and sign your name.4. Fax to 310-943-1540 or email as an image file in reply to this email. If you are unable to provide this information you can send the funds by Western Union. You can send a money order or a wire transfer. For Western Union:You can find the location nearest you by visiting
www.westernunion.com. Please send the total amount for your order including the shipping fees in US dollars to: Alan Shargani12121 Wilshire Blvd. Suite 1012Los Angeles, CA 90025310-442-9700 Please email us the MCN (money control number) along with your order number and shipping address, telephone number, and any additional instructions so we can ship your order. Best Regards,Revivogen Customer Service
Μπορεί κάποιος να μου εξηγήσει αν έχει την καλοσύνη τι πρέπει να κάνω βάσει των 4 βημάτων που μου αναφέρουνε επάνω; Άραγε γνωρίζετε αν έχουνε κρατήσει τα λεφτά της παραγγελίας από την κάρτα; Ευχαριστώ...