Kapa στην έκθεση λέει ότι "Microneedling or dermaroller treatment was performed at monthly intervals till a satisfactory outcome was achieved or a maximum of four sittings whichever was earlier." Από αυτό καταλαβαίνω ότι είναι μια φορά το μήνα. Αλλά στην επόμενη πρόταση λέει ότι "A minimum of three treatment sessions was considered essential for inclusion for assessment". Το assesment λέει ότι έγινε στο τέλος της έρευνας, που όπως καταλαβαίνω έγινε για 3 μήνες, και ξανά 2 μήνες μετά το πέρας σαν follow up.
"Thirty-seven patients of atrophic facial scarring were offered multiple sittings of microneedling (dermaroller) treatment and their scars were evaluated and graded clinically and by serial photography at the start as well as at two months after the conclusion of the treatment protocol"
" After the end of the treatment regimen, the scars were again assessed and graded by the same trained dermatologist, and the patients were followed up monthly for the next two months. The final assessment and grading of scars was done at the end of two months of follow-up and repeat photographs were then taken"
Αυτό κατάλαβα εγώ, τώρα βέβαια μπορεί να κατάλαβα άλλα αντί άλλων (δεν θα είναι και η πρώτη φορά