Σε όλες τις έρευνες που έχουν γίνει η ντουταστερίδη έχει παρόμοιο προφίλ παρενεργειών με τη φιναστερίδη. Αυτό περί DHT και εγκεφάλου δεν έχει αποδειχθεί απ'όσο ξέρω, η μόνη έρευνα αφορά σε ποντίκια που τους έδωσαν μεγάλες δόσεις.
Όσον αφορά την τεκνοποίηση τι σου είπε;
Both dutasteride and finasteride are not safe for pregnancy, but only if she takes the medication. On the other hand we have some recommendations to give for the couples that want to get pregnant:
The theory says that if your are on finasteride there is not influence in the pregnancy of your wife. Only could happen, if she take the medication on purpose. Our female patients with alopecia uses finasteirde and dutasteride , so they must schedule their fertilization, interrupting the medication pre and post pregnancy.
It is said that a pregnant woman should not have contact with the tablets (when pregnant), but I've never seen a medical article where a woman (voluntarily or involuntarily) has ingested finasteride in her pregnancy. All this is clear in the case of pregnancy of a male baby (because the medication can affect the development of the male sexual organs), not in female baby.
I have patients that they have not suspended the medication and did not have problems. On the other hand, some others, because of fear, have preferred to suspend it, did what they have to do (pregnancy), and then re start it as soon as she has been pregnant.
A last case is that of those who (and given the abundance of couples who struggle to have children), and in the case that a delayed fertilization, blame us (“ are you sure won't be that pill that you are taking are the cause of…”). it is always our fault....
Therefore any decision you make is correct, in the case of fear, suspended until you have a positive pregnancy test, and restart your medication at the next day.
Another frequent question is: what happens if I have sex with my wife during pregnancy if I am taking finasteride?
That's easy, finasteride was detected in less than 20% of the semen in patients taking finas. In the case of it, there is no vaginal absorption. But if you're so afraid, a prophylactic (condom) during sex relations when she is pregnant ended the problem.
Nothing happened for suspend the medication for 2 to 4 months, not going to be bald and probably your wife will be more relaxed, but re start when the job is done