To understand how Finasteride can affect the hormonal balance of a man, one must understand a bit how it works. Depending on the age, this balance occurs differently. In a very simplified explanation, this is glimpse of how it works: Men in andropause ("menopausal" in men) have a high level of DHT and estrogen and mean level of testosterone, as well as a higher level of prolactin. Young men have a "low" level of DHT and estrogen, high testosterone and low levels of prolactin. After ejaculation, at any age, prolactin level in the brain rapidly rises, causing lack of sexual interest at that time. The younger you are, the faster the prolactin level will fall back, and soon you will feel sexual interest again. Older men have a higher prolactin level and therefore are less interested in sex. This gradual increase in prolactin level, occurs naturally as the years go by. This is why older men have higher levels of prolactin then young men. The body, to maintain balance and sex drive, increases the level of DHT everytime the estrogen level increases. They are interconnected. The excess testosterone is converted into DHT and estradiol at similar levels. So, to make it clear: In men, DHT has the effect of enhancing libido and estrogen inhibits libido (because the last is linked to prolactin in the brain).
To maintain the balance of a man's body, DHT and estrogen are interconnected. When the level of one is low, the level of the other must be also low. When the level of one increases, the level of the other also increases. Never, in his natural state, a man has a high level of estrogen and a low DHT level, because estrogen is a highly feminizing hormone and DHT a highly masculinizing hormone. Only when a man takes Finasteride, he creates this imbalance in his body.
Below is a rough sketch to facilitate understanding. Note that the level of DHT in young men, seems low compared to a mature man, but the balance between DHT and a low level of Estradiol gives him a higher libido.Remember, estrogen neutralizes libido in men:
Young Men (normal situation)
Testosterone - high level
DHT low - normal
Estrogen (estradiol) low level - normal
Prolactin low - normal
Result: High Libido
Mature men (normal)
Testosterone - median in range
DHT - elevated
Estrogen (estradiol) - Higher than a young man
Prolactin - median in range
Result: average libido
Old men (normal situation)
Testosterone: medium-low
DHT - medium
Estrogen (estradiol) - medium
Prolactin -high
Result: Low Libido
Όπως βλέπεις Andy, δυστυχώς το DHT δεν πέφτει με την ηλικία παρά μόνο σε μεγάλους ανθρώπους όπου εκεί μάλλον είναι αδιάφορη η μμ ή έχει μικρή αξία. Η πτώση στην τεστοστερόνη αυξάνει το DHT, και η αύξηση της στην ώριμη ηλικία (με αθλητικές δραστηριότητες, κλπ) κάνει καλό. Η DHT όπως λέει και το άρθρο συναρτάται περισσότερο με τα οιστρογόνα και όχι με την τεστοστερόνη.