οποιος εχει χρονο ας ριξει μια ματια, ενδιαφερον φαινεται αν και δε πολυκαταλαβαινω καποια πραγματα
και μια αλλη ερευνα απο το πανεσπιστημιο του gent ερευνα που εγινε σε 12 ατομα με χρηση 1 χαπιου την ημερα.
εν ολιγης απο οσα καταλαβαινω ξεκαθαρα δουλευει σε αντρες, πιθανοτατα οχι σε γυναικες, δεν εχει παρενεργιες οπως η φινα κτλ, εχει μικροτερη δυναμη απο τη φινα
Prohairclinic has set up a small study in corporation with the University of Gent in order to obtain more information about the effectiveness of DHT lowering properties of Keratene Retard. The University of Gent is the only facility in Belgium that can measure DHT levels accurately (using LC-MSMS).
This was a limited test, only testosterone and DHT levels where measured. Of the 13 test subjects 10 finished the study.
There were 3 woman in the test, 2 of them suffering from hair loss. DHT lowering was not achieved by any of the female test candidates, a slight increase was measured at 2 of the 3 woman. Probably one can conclude that the cause of hair loss in 2 of the 3 woman was not related with increased DHT levels, but this was expected.
The man subjects took 1 Keratene Retard tablet per day, this is half the dose which is usually taken.
An average reduction of 25% of DHT levels where measured after taking Keratene Retard for 1 week. Testosterone levels remained unchanged.
MAX = 57%
MIN= 5%
Important : There where no reports of any side effects, not even libido problems. The woman did not report any side effects either.
Most men with elevated DHT levels will profit from Keratene Retard to surpress DHT levels and reduce or stop progressive hair loss caused by male pattern baldness (MPB). There will be some persons that will not benefit from this product, but this is no different to the other known DHT suppressors.
Keratene Retard, like Finasteride or Dutasteride, is meant for a long term treatment of MPB. The treatment is a good solution until one day there will be a final and definite solution to hair loss.
As far as we know Prohairclinic is the only clinic that has tested the products it offers by performing professional clinical trial. Trust is good, verification is better.